Unsweetened Peanut Butter and why vegans are going to love this brand!

Peanut butter has been a longtime favorite for adults and children both. Fussy children often quiet down if they see peanut butter spread on their toast. And as peanuts are a healthy source of protein, most grownups find that a scoopful of peanut butter during a busy day keeps the hunger pangs at bay! But the sugar content of peanut butter can be a problem if your body is sensitive to glucose levels.

Which is why we have unsweetened peanut butter! This peanut butter is free from artificial sweeteners that often bring down the nutrition content of the product they’re added to. This is your guiltfree peanut butter! The next time you spread this creamy, buttery concoction on your toast, you can send those guilt pangs away! Peanut butter is also believed to be heart friendly and contains good fats that aid your body. And the best part? Peanut butter is a great source of protein for vegans! Veganism is an ethical and environmentally friendly diet but you’ll have to take care of your protein balance. And what better than unsweetened, vegan friendly peanut butter?